Valentina Moles

Italian by origin, Valentina is a bundle of energy. Her active approach becomes infallible when working in teams. Thanks to her outgoing personality and mild temper, she can easily establish solid connections. Inclusivity, respect, and honesty are her essentials for a fruitful and long-lasting cooperation. She joined our team in 2023, bringing from Brussels her experience in digitalisation, blue economy, and internationalisation. Valentina enjoys her free time trying new sports and being outdoors, especially if in the nature.

Lisa Mangattale

Creative, committed and analytically strong consultant. Lisa has been part of our team since early 2022. She has a great affinity for European cooperation and enjoys structuring process and cooperation in every project phase. Characteristic: creating the frameworks within which there is room for exploring, discovering and meeting. Lisa has an eye for detail and gets to the bottom of things in her search for the best route to results. She is versatile, curious and open-minded. Lisa loves music – to listen and to play.

Annemieke Feikens

Enterprising, goal-oriented and ambitious. Asks pointed questions, gives clear advice and finds the right solutions. This is how Annemieke guides every project from ambitions to beautiful results. Annemieke is communicatively strong and has extensive experience with Interreg North Sea, both on the programme and project side. She is also committed to a sustainable and circular future. In her spare time, she takes long walks in the woods and prepares the most delicious vegetarian dishes.

Lise van den Bos

A reliable project manager and a valued member of our team. Lise has extensive international experience and is familiar with several EU programmes (including Interreg, LIFE, ERDF and Horizon). She is quick to grasp each task and monitors the process. In addition to a preference for clear communication and clear agreements, Lise has guts and likes a challenge – as long as it does not get boring. Lise is actively committed to a more sustainable world and enjoys working with team members – both within Reeleaf and with our clients.